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As I’m sitting here writing this article, I have two ingrown toenails that are bothering me. I’m not in pain but they still annoy the hell out of me. I have grown a custom to the pain having had them all my life. When the nail starts to grow into my skin and create this annoying feeling, I just go ahead and cut out the spur that is making me feel uncomfortable. By experimenting over the years with different ways to deal with the pain, I’m able to adjust and live with it.
In this review I go into detail on how to help you live with and correct or even cure your ingrown toenail situation.

I played soccer for many years even though I suffered from ingrown toenails. No one really knew what I went through because I was too embarrassed to talk about it. My big toes on each foot looked weird and the nails started to grow in sideways. All of this is my fault in the first place for picking at my toenails instead of cutting them. A problem I had until my thirties.

I decided to write this article or review so that others would be informed about ingrown toenails and maybe find an idea here or resolution to what they are going through. I know I would have loved for someone to fully explain why this happened and how to correct it rather than only say “DON’T PICK YOUR TOENAILS”.

Go inside and read some of the stuff here and maybe feel a little better about yourself and try to correct your ingrown toenail problem.


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